We are a team of professionals with many years of experience in the real estate market of Ukraine and Bulgaria.

Our mission:

Providing highly professional real estate services that guarantee the client maximum efficiency and security of its real estate operations. Decency, maximum openness and quality of services is our credo! And of course humanity and good relations! Our clients are with us – like behind a stone wall)) We guarantee you the legal purity of each transaction.

We work so that a trusting partnership is established between our company and the client, allowing each client to recommend our services to their friends, family and colleagues. We value every client! We know how!

AN TERRA is a Bulgarian agency with a Ukrainian soul.

Our leader – Yulia Kulpina

Perpetual motion machine and generator of ideas. The soul and strong spirit of our team. She always looks only forward.

I see the goal - I don’t see the obstacles - this is about it. Twenty years of experience in the real estate industry in senior positions.

And one more, perhaps the most important quality – love for people. And this applies to both clients, and to the employees of our company.

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No time to study? We will do everything for you Selection and consultation of specialists

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