One bedroom apartment with heated floors

€ 103000
Find out about the object
Sveti Vlas
Total area, m²
57 m²
number of rooms
2 rooms
  • Apartment with WARM FLOOR

    100 meters to the sea

    Act 16

    Household tariff

    Tax 13 euro/sq.m.

    Fully equipped with furniture and household appliances:

    - large refrigerator

    - dishwasher

    - oven

    - heated floor

    - two air conditioners

    Gated complex for year-round use.

    Quality construction.

    Beautiful well-kept area with a swimming pool, gazebos and fountains.

    Nearby there is a year-round supermarket, restaurants, a school, a leisure center for children and adults, beauty salons, a first-aid post, a pharmacy, a post office, a bank, a gas station, a bus stop.



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